Sunday, 31 March 2013

OIC is criminally silent of Muslim Blood Shed

OIC is criminally silent of Muslim Blood Shed

Friday, 29 March 2013

Dr A Q Khan and JI - New Alliance in Election 2013

Dr A Q Khan and JI - New Alliance in Election 2013, Dr. A Q Khan refused to sit on his special chair in his honor, he said that he will sit with Mr. Munawar Hasan, the supreme leader of Jamaat-e-Islami, who is most white collar among Pakistani Politics, he further said he will support Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan in Election 2013

Inhuman Behavior with Women in Bangladesh by Government

Inhuman Behavior with Women in Bangladesh by Government

Anti Islamic Bangladesh Govt - Firing Straightly on Masjid

Anti Islamic Bangladesh Govt - Firing Straightly on Masjid, which runs under control of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh

MQM and Altaf is Actually Torturing Karachi

MQM and Altaf is Actually Torturing Karachi

World Wide Popularity of Allama Sayeedi

World Wide Popularity of Allama Sayeedi, whom Bangladesh govt announced death sentence without any reason.

JI and PTI - Near to Make Alliance in Election 2013

JI and PTI - Near to Make Alliance in Election 2013

Jamaat Islami Bangladesh: The Crime is ISLAM

Jamaat Islami Bangladesh: The Crime is ISLAM

Damn Behavior of Bangladesh Govt with Jamaat-e-Islami

Damn Behavior of Bangladesh Govt with Jamaat-e-Islami

Trap is Waiting for the RAT Pervez Musharraf

Trap is Waiting for the RAT Pervez Musharraf

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Vice President Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi, Nasrullah Shajee Seems in common people in Yesterday’s Karachi Protest which was organized against Bangladesh Govt’s illegal ‘war crime tribunal’

Vice President Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi, Nasrullah Shajee Seems in common people in Yesterday's Karachi Protest which was organized against Bangladesh Govt's illegal 'war crime tribunal'

Human Rights Network is also condemning the serious inhuman behavior with JI and SHIBIR Hasina Should Remember the End of Ghaddafi

Human Rights Network is also condemning the serious inhuman behavior with JI and SHIBIR Hasina Should Remember the End of Ghaddafi

Bangladesh Govt is killing hundreds of Jamaat-e-Islami workers daily, because they resisted against the partition at the time of Dhaka Fall in 1971, this is their crime by which Hasina Wajed govt is brutally killing Islamists of the country daily, JI Karachi organized a rally for them yesterday in Karachi

Bangladesh Govt is killing hundreds of Jamaat-e-Islami workers daily, because they resisted against the partition at the time of Dhaka Fall in 1971, this is their crime by which Hasina Wajed govt is brutally killing Islamists of the country daily, JI Karachi organized a rally for them yesterday in Karachi

Central banner seems clear in Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi yesterday’s rally, in which they condemning Bangladesh govt’s malicious behavior against JI and SHIBIR, they also condemn secular approach of the govt

Central banner seems clear in Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi yesterday's rally, in which they condemning Bangladesh govt's malicious behavior against JI and SHIBIR, they also condemn secular approach of the govt

Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Mr Munawar Hasan Leading the March against Bangladesh Govt’s brutality. Hasina Wajed is killing hundreds of innocent islamists daily

Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Mr Munawar Hasan Leading the March against Bangladesh Govt's brutality. Hasina Wajed is killing hundreds of innocent islamists daily

JI Karachi invited the leaders of different school of thought on JI Bangladesh issue in yesterday’s gathering in Karachi, this is very neccassary to do some practical resistance against Bangladesh govt to stop their brutality against Islami

JI Karachi invited the leaders of different school of thought on JI Bangladesh issue in yesterday's gathering in Karachi, this is very neccassary to do some practical resistance against Bangladesh govt to stop their brutality against Islami

President Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan is leading the March, organized by JI Karachi yesterday in the center of the city, the main objective were to highlight the brutal face of Bangladesh govt, who is killing hundreds of innocent Islamists daily

President Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan is leading the March, organized by JI Karachi yesterday in the center of the city, the main objective were to highlight the brutal face of Bangladesh govt, who is killing hundreds of innocent Islamists daily

Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi arranged a rally in the sympathy of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh yesterday to condemn the illegal ‘war crime tribunal’ and anti islam policies of Bangladesh Govt

Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi arranged a rally in the sympathy of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh yesterday to condemn the illegal 'war crime tribunal' and anti islam policies of Bangladesh Govt

People are praying in the end of the protest, organized by JI Karachi against the brutality and Inhuman ‘war crime tribunal’ of Bangladesh govt. by which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily – Lets SHARE

People are praying in the end of the protest, organized by JI Karachi against the brutality and Inhuman 'war crime tribunal' of Bangladesh govt. by which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily – Lets SHARE

Munawar Hasan and all leaders are praying in the end of the protest, organized by JI Karachi against the brutality and Inhuman ‘war crime tribunal’ of Bangladesh govt. by which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily – Lets SHARE

Munawar Hasan and all leaders are praying in the end of the protest, organized by JI Karachi against the brutality and Inhuman 'war crime tribunal' of Bangladesh govt. by which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily – Lets SHARE

Criminals of Awami League and Hasina Wajed Govt, are using dangerous weapons against Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh, no one is coming to stop them, Wake up muslim ummah in the defend

Criminals of Awami League and Hasina Wajed Govt, are using dangerous weapons against Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh, no one is coming to stop them, Wake up muslim ummah in the defend

Wake Up Muslim Ummah

Wake Up Muslim Ummah

Jamaat-e-Islami Condemn Badami Bagh Incident

Jamaat-e-Islami Condemn Badami Bagh Incident in which hundreds of homes torched by criminals of Lahore, may be MQM is involved because they are also moving in Lahore

Electronic Media is covering the rally of Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi on the issue of Bangladesh Govt’s anti Islamic and illegal ‘war crime tribunal’ by which they are encountering Islamists of the country.

Electronic Media is covering the rally of Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi on the issue of Bangladesh Govt's anti Islamic and illegal 'war crime tribunal' by which they are encountering Islamists of the country.

Karachi Police Officers are welcoming President Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan in their area, these shots was taken, when Mr. President was coming in the gathering against the brutality and Inhuman ‘war crime tribunal’ of Bangladesh govt, by which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily. This gathering was organized by JI Karachi

Karachi Police Officers are welcoming President Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan in their area, these shots was taken, when Mr. President was coming in the gathering against the brutality and Inhuman 'war crime tribunal' of Bangladesh govt, by which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily. This gathering was organized by JI Karachi

Molana Anas Noorani condemned the Inhuman Brutal Activities of Bangladesh Govt. Against Islamists of the country in yesterday’s gathering, organized by Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi – LETS SHARE

Molana Anas Noorani condemned the Inhuman Brutal Activities of Bangladesh Govt. Against Islamists of the country in yesterday's gathering, organized by Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi – LETS SHARE

Leaders of Different school of thoughts seems on the stage of Karachi Protest organized by JI Karachi, which was against Bangladesh Govt’s Anti Islamic Policies and Inhuman Behavior with Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh and SHIBIR

Leaders of Different school of thoughts seems on the stage of Karachi Protest organized by JI Karachi, which was against Bangladesh Govt's Anti Islamic Policies and Inhuman Behavior with Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh and SHIBIR

Islamists of Bangladesh is protesting for Allama Sayedee, Bangladesh Govt is killing innocent islamists daily in the name of ‘war criminals’, the reality is Hasina wajed herself an state terrorist

Islamists of Bangladesh is protesting for Allama Sayedee, Bangladesh Govt is killing innocent islamists daily in the name of 'war criminals', the reality is Hasina wajed herself an state terrorist

A disabled Jamaat-e-Islami worker also seems in the Karachi Protest yesterday, which was against the malicious actions of Bangladesh Govt Against Islamists, H. Wajed Govt. killed thousands of Innocents yet

A disabled Jamaat-e-Islami worker also seems in the Karachi Protest yesterday, which was against the malicious actions of Bangladesh Govt Against Islamists, H. Wajed Govt. killed thousands of Innocents yet

Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi is Protesting against the inhuman ‘war crime tribunal’ of Bangladesh, who punishes many islamists in Bangladesh without any proof of crime by government support, Hasina is directly dancing on Indian Fingers

Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi is Protesting against the inhuman 'war crime tribunal' of Bangladesh, who punishes many islamists in Bangladesh without any proof of crime by government support, Hasina is directly dancing on Indian Fingers

Molana Sayedee’s supporters protesting in Europe against his illegal imprisonment by ‘war crime tribunal’

Molana Sayedee's supporters protesting in Europe against his illegal imprisonment by 'war crime tribunal'

Police is torturing BNP Ladies, when they came out in the protest against the governmental pro Indian policies

Police is torturing BNP Ladies, when they came out in the protest against the governmental pro Indian policies

MQM is torturing Karachi

MQM is torturing Karachi

Extreme Unethical, Inhuman and Malicious act of Hasina Wajed’s Awami League

Extreme Unethical, Inhuman and Malicious act of Hasina Wajed's Awami League, criminal elements of Awami League removing a Jamaat-e-Islami workers cloth after killing him, Hasina Wajed! Immediately stop it! Otherwise we'll take strong revenge

Shibir President Message to the World of Islam

Shibir President Message to the World of Islam

The message of Shibir's Supreme Leader

The message of Shibir's Supreme Leader

Hindu Community is Protesting for Islam in Bangladesh

Hindu Community is Protesting for Islam in Bangladesh

Bengali Govt Terrorism in Bangladesh Exposed

Bengali Govt Terrorism in Bangladesh Exposed

Sayeedi - A sign of Islam in Bangladesh

Sayeedi - A sign of Islam in Bangladesh

Islamic Fundamentalists are Innocent in Bangladesh

Islamic Fundamentalists are Innocent in Bangladesh

Genocides in Bangladesh - Islamic world's silence is shameful

Genocides in Bangladesh - Islamic world's silence is shameful

Molana Delawar Hussain Saeedi - An Innocent and Fundamentalist

Molana Delawar Hussain Saeedi - An Innocent and Fundamentalist

Ustaz Rashid al Ghunooshi has the Solution

Ustaz Rashid al Ghunooshi has the Solution of the situation of Bangladesh Massacre by Hasina Wajed Govt.

Inhuman War Crimes of Bangladesh Govt.

Inhuman War Crimes of Bangladesh Govt.

What Hasina Wajed is Doing in Bangladesh - Crack Down of Islam

What Hasina Wajed is Doing in Bangladesh - Crack Down of Islam, yes, war crime tribunal is a fraud they are just killing innocent Muslims and all their supporters, just because they are condemning the Insulting of Islam and Blasphemy of Allah and Muhammad (PBUH). Jamaat-e-Islami and Bangladesh Islami CHatra SHibir are leading Islamic organizatioons who are forcely against all this bull shit, that is why government is pressing them to the wall, and make an inhuman war crime tribunal, just to erased all of them, Hasina wajed just want to make Bangladesh a secular state, which is quite impossible, Bangladesh is a country of the lovers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hasina should immediately stop all this shit in the country, other wise time will take actioagainst her, she just have to remember the end of Ghaddafi, that it!

Stop Massacre in Bangladesh - Hang Hasina Wajed

Stop Massacre in Bangladesh - Hang Hasina Wajed

Bangladesh Secular Government - The Protector of Blasphemy

Bangladesh Secular Government - The Protector of Blasphemy

Shibir of Bangladesh - The name of Fundamentalism of Islamic Nationalism

Shibir of Bangladesh - The name of Fundamentalism of Islamic Nationalism

Pray for Bangladesh against Brutality of Government

Pray for Bangladesh against Brutality of Government

BANGLADESH Police Torture on a School Boy - Is he war criminal? No! he is just Pro-Islamic Nationalist

BANGLADESH Police Torture on a School Boy - Is he war criminal? No! he is just Pro-Islamic Nationalist